All posts in Let’s Stay In

  • Sunday Selections

    After a spectacular week in Croatia, I touched back down in Berlin on Monday and was immediately welcomed back with a pesky chest infection. One of the downsides of travel, of course, is the increased likelihood of catching a germ. Whilst I’ve been feeling restless having spent most of last week on the couch catching up on old TV episodes, I am thankful that my illness occurred after my trip ended at least! Phew!

    I’m missing Croatia’s beauty already.

    croatia sunrise over sea

    WATCH: Graham Hill’s suggestion of becoming a weekday vegetarian makes so much sense to me. My diet has definitely changed since moving to Germany. I’m not comfortable eating as much meat over here as I once did back in Australia, mainly because I am not able to understand completely where the meat is sourced and whether it was ethically farmed. Check out his TED talk for some powerful arguments for adopting this dietary change.

    READ: Why do we have such a fleeting sense of empathy in this day and age? Lauren Wolfe’s article, Turn On, Retweet, Tune Out, explores some of the reasons behind this worrying trend.

    EAT: These delicious cherry hazelnut energy bars may be just the thing I need to get back on track this week.

    DIY: I’m always reluctant to bring hats when travelling, purely because they can be so annoying to carry around when you’re moving from place to place. Thankfully, this very helpful tutorial on how to pack a hat in your suitcase has solved this dilemma of mine forever! Ah, the logic.

    DREAM BUY: I must admit that when strolling around the cashed-up harbours of Hvar and Split, I did momentarily dream about how amazing it would be to charter a luxury yacht. In another life, this one could work.

    BUDGET BUY: The world’s most famous travel experiences certainly come at a price. Lonely Planet offers a cheaper alternative to ten of the world’s most expensive experiences here for the more budget conscious among us, along with a recommendation as to whether the cheaper alternative can really compare to the real deal.

    GO: Summer holidays are almost over and so I’m back in Berlin for the time being. It’s time to get ‘serious’ with work. But I’m still dreaming of exotic destinations, like stunning Costa Rica. One day.

    Hope your Sunday has been fab, friends!

  • Sunday Selections

    Apologies for the slight delay in the posting of this week’s Sunday Selections friends! Dodgy wi-fi is, unfortunately, a reality of travel sometimes. I’m back in Berlin after a truly spectacular break in Croatia, which I look forward to sharing with you this week on The Department of Wandering.

    So this was where I spent my Sunday night — watching the most beautiful sunset while sitting on the Riva in Zadar. I want to go back already!

    Sunset, Zadar, Croatia

    WATCH: This beautifully produced video captures the magic of the incredible natural phenomenon of the midnight sun in Iceland through time lapse footage. Amazing. Iceland, you are one spectacular place.

    READ: For my future home office, I will happily take any of these options, thank you.

    EAT: Everyone loves a summer picnic, don’t they? This clever picnic idea generator ensures that you’ll never be stuck for ideas as to what to pack!

    MAKE: Surely this has got to be the easiest DIY project in the history of the universe. But oh what a lovely result. These DIY pretty shampoo bottles would look divine in any bathroom and much more aesthetically pleasing than the Pantene variety!

    DREAM BUY: In the eventual house that I will own (one day!) I want need lighting like this maritime inspired industrial lighting collection.

    BUDGET BUY: Don’t you think these blueprint art prints are kinda cool? There’s some quirky ones in the mix too! Blue print of Star Wars’ Admiral Ackbar anyone?

    GO: Wouldn’t it have just been the most incredible experience to go travelling in Egypt in the early 20th century? These old photographs of life in Cairo taken over 100 years ago are just extraordinary. What an adventure it would have been! Whilst it would be a vastly different experience today, I’d still love to visit someday.

    Until next time!

  • Sunday Selections

    Bok (hello) from beautiful Croatia! This morning I took a 6am flight and touched down in Dubrovnik for breakfast. Afterwards, I took a slow wander along the 2km city walls and was just awe-struck as to how beautiful this city is. Looking forward to sharing more of Croatia with you here and on Instagram this week!

    Dubrovnik, Croatia

    WATCH: Our greatest aspiration in life is to be happy. Wouldn’t you agree? Brother David Steidl-Rest, an Austrian monk and scholar, shares his insights on how to achieve happiness in this refreshing TED talk. The key is to be grateful, he says, is to live in the moment.

    READ: I’m in awe of Australian artist CJ Hendry’s incredibly photo-realistic artwork. Unbelievable skill.

    EAT: I’ve said before that my love for summer fruit is bordering on obsessive, and the beautiful Linda Lomelino from Call Me Cupcake has given me another perfect way to make the most of the juicy stone fruit that have flooded the markets everywhere. Her easy stone fruit tarts look heavenly.

    MAKE: I’ve found the perfect solution with what to do with my used coffee grounds after my daily brew: make a DIY coffee body scrub! Did you know that caffeine is supposed to combat cellulite?

    DREAM BUY: Wouldn’t this beautifully hand-crafted Globe Trotter suitcase be the perfect travel accessory? It has such a beautiful old-school feel. Item added to wish list: tick.

    BUDGET BUY: As you know, I do love spending my Sundays wandering the flea markets around Berlin and last Sunday you read about my bargain find from a little market around the corner. These tips on the 8 no-regret  items at garage sales, flea markets and thrift stores from Apartment Therapy has made my eye a little keener in searching for hidden treasures.

    GO: Well, I’m in stunning Croatia for the next week and plan on savouring every single moment I have here. It’s absolutely spectacular folks! Get here if you can!

  • Sunday Selections

    Isn’t summer the most glorious season? Berries have flooded the markets everywhere around Berlin and I can’t get enough of them!

    Summer berries, Berlin

    WATCH: For Pakistani Syed Muzamil Hasan Zaidi, being the recipient of gifts and kind words was not the way he wanted to celebrate his 22nd birthday. Instead, to make for a much more personally fulfilling occasion, he decided to celebrate his day by engaging in 22 random acts of kindness to others. His documentation of this day will bring a little smile to your face.

    READ: I’m in lazy summer holiday mode, which means that this little guide to no heat holiday curls is the perfect hair styling solution.

    EAT: These mini almond pavlovas with forest berries are the perfect way to remedy the overabundance of berries in my fridge!

    MAKE: Temperatures in Berlin have been pushing into the 30s over the last few days which I love. This after sun homemade DIY lotion is the perfect medicine for tender, sunburnt skin.

    DREAM BUY: Could someone please buy me a house just like this one? I adore the simplicity and clean design of the wood and marble. Oh, and the location, in LA, would be fine also.

    BUDGET BUY: I am so excited by my recent bargain of the century flea market purchase. Would you believe that I picked up a Scanpan wok in perfect condition for just 15 euros?!  These babies are not cheap. I was missing my beautiful Scanpan cookware that I used to use everyday back in Australia so was so thrilled with this find! Read more about my love of Berlin’s flea markets here.

    GO: This time next week I’ll be in gorgeous Croatia for a little summer escape. After scrolling through Jessica Stein’s incredible images of Dubrovnik (aka King’s Landing), I don’t think I can wait a whole week! What an amazing place.

    Wishing you all a lovely Sunday and a happy week ahead.

  • Sunday Selections

    Happy Sunday folks! I’m in a glorious mood because I have finished up at work for the summer and am now indulging in a beautiful six weeks of summer holidays. Life is good huh?

    Berlin architecture


    WATCH: This beautiful little video has just added more fuel to the fire of my forever burning wanderlust. The Canary Islands? On the list!

    READ: Oh Paris. When can I come back? Irene Suchocki’s gorgeous photos make me want to book a flight tomorrow.

    EAT: I want to devour every single one of these superfood smoothies, but especially the berry coconut one with chia seeds.

    MAKE: I adore these DIY travel craft projects. So many great ideas.

    DREAM BUY: Now that I’ve become used to the low cost of living in Berlin, I was horrified by the prices of Melbourne’s drinks when I visited back in March. $18 - 25 for a cocktail? I’m used to paying only €6 - 7! But can you believe that the world’s most expensive cocktail on record stands at $50,000 in Moscow? Insane! Although it was reported to include three 1.5 carat diamonds… Check out this article on 6 of the most extravagant cocktails in the world for some concoctions only for the rich and famous.

    BUDGET BUY: Thanks to my darling little sister, I have now discovered Zinio! How was I unaware of this treasure trove until now? For a whole year I mourned the fact that I could no longer access my favourite English language magazines. Well, that’s not 100% accurate — I could get my hands on some of them, but their retail prices were often three times that of back home and for a lady on a budget, this was an indulgence I couldn’t really justify. Until now! Zinio has an incredible resource of over 5,500 publications, all of which you can purchase digital copies for a much cheaper price than retail editions. Digital library building here I go!

    GO: This weekend I get to play tourist guide to some friends from back home who are touring around Europe on their honeymoon. I get to show off ‘my city’ which is loads of fun, so I’m more than content to hang around ‘home’ for now.

  • Sunday Selections

    Happy Sunday folks! This weekend has been so lovely. Not only is it the first weekend in about a month where I’ve been home in Berlin and able to just relax and enjoy life without work pressures niggling, but I also welcomed back three special friends this weekend! The fact that temperatures have pushed beyond the 30 degree mark again makes for extra smiles.

    Graffiti, Mauer Park, Berlin

    WATCH: This TED talk by Amy Cuddy on how ‘your body language shapes who you are’ makes so much sense. I think it’s important to become more conscious of how we communicate non-verbally.

    READ: This great story on 23 things people who love their lives are doing differently is a must-read for us all. This little list applies to everyone, in all situations and in all stages of life and I think that if we can focus on even just a couple of items on this list, we will notice a huge change in our level of happiness and sense of fulfilment.

    EAT: Beach body preparation is in full swing and I’m trying to eat as many of these foods that I can!

    MAKE: Aren’t these DIY crate shelves great?

    DREAM BUY: Can someone please buy this Brooklyn loft apartment for me? Thanks.

    BUDGET BUY: I’ll have this cute floral playsuit for summer too.

    GO: I have a free international return train ticket to be used by the end of this month and I’m busy planning the perfect destination. I’m thinking Copenhagen would be fun!

    Have a lovely, relaxing Sunday. I’m about to head down to Berlin’s Mauerpark to check out the Sunday karaoke, have some drinks with friends and soak up some rays. Life is good!

  • Sunday Selections

    I’ve spent this past weekend bunkered down, drowning in a neverending pile of paperwork. I’m finally paying for the fact that I’ve spent the last two weekends in Italy and then Serbia, frolicking about without a care in the world. Now I’m playing catch up. Friends, I hope you’ve had a doubly exciting weekend, to make up for the lack of fun in mine!

    Heavenly cups like this one have been my saviour this weekend…

    Coffee, The Barn Roastery, Berlin

    WATCH: There’s nothing like a good laugh to make you feel energised. In this interesting clip, psychologist Dr Robert Provine investigates the anatomy behind laughter. Fascinating stuff.

    READ: Don’t these gorgeous photographs by Finn Beales just make you want to pack your bags right now and head off on the adventure of a lifetime? Yes. If you’re not following him on Instagram, you should be.

    EAT: These peanut butter and chocolate energy bars are exactly what the doctor ordered. Now, only if I had time to make some! I do admit though, they are pretty darn easy to whip up.

    MAKE: I love the look of this DIY ladder wardrobe. I can definitely see this in my bedroom.

    DREAM BUY: What an incredible experience it would be to book one of the ‘treerooms’ at Sweden’s Treehotel one day. Über cool.

    BUDGET BUY: How cute are these royalli slip-on flats from Nine West? Super comfy, stylish and cheap.

    GO: I’ve had a whirlwind few weeks, having spent the past two weekends in two new new countries. I’ve loved every minute of it, but have to say that I’m a little exhausted right now and am happy to lay low in Berlin for the next few!

    Wishing you a happy week!

  • Sunday Selections

    I’ve had a whirlwind of a weekend in Belgrade, Serbia, celebrating the wedding of some very dear friends. This lovely couple has been living and working in Japan for the past few years and it was so special to be able to reconnect after so long. I look forward to the day when we are both living in the same city once more!

    Meanwhile, here’s a little snapshot from last weekend in Roma. More posts coming this week!

    Trastevere, Rome, Italy

    WATCH: At a startling speed, cultures are losing their age-old traditions, customs and handicrafts to the ever-increasing influence of the modern world. This short excerpt from a longer documentary gives a brief insight into the dying craft of traditional hunting blowpipes from the perspective of one of the elders of a Bornean tribe. Balan is the last person in his village to practice the art. It’s so sad to think that this knowledge will inevitably be lost.

    READ: Cruising the Californian coast is pretty high up there on the bucket list already, but this beautiful photography feature from Cereal Magazine has nudged it even higher. Spectacular.

    EAT: A lot of heavy (but oh so delicious) Serbian food and more than a little wine was consumed over the last few days. I’m not complaining one bit — is there a better way to celebrate a Serbian/Argentinian wedding? I think not. But this week a little detox will happen and I’m already craving these fresh Vietnamese spring rolls.

    MAKE: Edible typography macarons? Awesome party idea.

    DREAM BUY: These hotel room views may certainly come with a hefty price tag but wouldn’t it be nice to splurge one day, sit back and take it all in? I don’t think I would ever leave the hotel…

    BUDGET BUY: Looking for a cheap getaway? Serbia is your destination! As you know, I’ve just returned from a weekend in Belgrade and I just can’t believe how cheap it was. Serbia is a poor nation with a dark past that has not yet been overrun with tourists like most of Europe. As a result, you will be very pleased (like I was) to find that you won’t spend a fortune there. Accommodation is very cheap and you can easily find a very nice three star hotel and pay around €60 per night.

    GO: Over the past week two weekends I’ve taken 6 flights and have pounded the pavements of Italy, Serbia and, of course, Germany, in between working a full time job. This life is truly incredible and I am so thankful for every moment!

    Wishing you a happy week!

  • Sunday Selections

    Travel delays. Don’t you love them? Last night, my flight from Rome back to Berlin was delayed for three hours due to intense thunderstorms over the city, throwing Fiumicino Airport into chaos and meaning that you’re reading my usual Sunday post on a Monday.

    I hope you had a dreamy weekend because I certainly did! What better way to spend a weekend than by jet-setting down to Rome for 48 hours? Perfect.

    Trastevere, Rome, Italy

    WATCH: As I’ve said before, I love watching movies or documentaries filmed in places that I will be visiting soon and last weekend’s little sojourn to Rome was no exception. I revisited ‘The Talented Mr. Ripley’ last week to admire Italy’s beautiful scenery, including Rome, in which parts of the film were shot. Yesterday I stood on the Spanish Steps looking down into the café where Marge and Meredith met. Surreal.

    READ: My feet were feeling pretty itchy as I was reading this article which highlights a list of the Top 100 Travel Photographers in the World. I never want to stop exploring!

    EAT: I would like this fennel, leek and orange pork osso buco in my belly soon.

    MAKE: Pressing flowers in heavy, old books is just something that little girls love — in my case, anyway. I love this idea for making your own pressed flower tags for presents. How special.

    DREAM BUY: Whilst buying a house is of no interest to me whatsoever right now, one day in the future it would be rather nice to live in this kind of home.

    BUDGET BUY: I adore this bandeau bikini from Triangl in the white animal print. And at under AUD$100 for the set? Bargain.

    GO: Life is busy at the moment with work pressures, but what better way to recharge on the weekend than by exploring somewhere new? It was Rome last weekend and next weekend it’s Belgrade. I may arrive at work exhausted on Monday mornings (especially when flight delays are involved) but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Wishing you a wonderful week!

  • Sunday Selections

    Summer has well and truly reached the city this weekend, with temperatures in Berlin predicted to push into the mid-30s over the next few days. I couldn’t be happier!


    WATCH: Doesn’t this beautiful little video just make you want to pack your bags right now and jump on a plane to Vietnam? I was there in 2010 but would love to go back again soon.

    READ: I have never been to South Korea, but Jessica Stein’s photos of Seoul on her gorgeous blog, ‘Tuula Vintage’ have ensured that a visit to this incredible city is definitely on the list now.

    EAT: Hot summer days call for this kind of breakfast. Yum.

    MAKE: Now that the warmer weather has finally arrived in Europe, insect bites on balmy evenings are inevitable. Thankfully, this DIY Natural Bug Bite Balm will help ease the pain!

    DREAM BUY: I am desperate to travel to Costa Rica within the next few years and think that the luxurious Nayara Hotel, Spa & Gardens would be the most luxurious and romantic place to stay. Potential future honeymoon destination perhaps?

    BUDGET BUY: I was thrilled with my vintage necklace purchase at last night’s ‘The Wardrobe’ night clothing market at Platoon Kunsthalle. My friend and I spent such a fun evening together drinking wine and devouring delicious food from the many Bite Club food trucks, before heading indoors to get our shop on.

    GO: I’m off to Rome next weekend for a whirlwind 48 hours so I’m currently researching how to make my time count there. Any tips as to where I should head?

    Have a lovely Sunday!