All posts in Berlin Tips

  • Great Coffee in Berlin Part 3: Bonanza Coffee Roasters

    I’ll admit that I’m a tad excited as I write this post.

    This is the third installment of my series on where to find great coffee in Berlin (see recommendations for Silo Coffee and Café 9 too). I have to admit, however, that this little place, Bonanza Coffee Roasters (previously Bonanza Coffee Heroes), holds a special place in my heart. It is, without a doubt, THE BEST place to get coffee in Berlin. And rightly so — the guys behind Bonanza were the first to bring the Third Wave coffee movement to Berlin when they first opened in 2007.

    Located in trendy Prenzlauer Berg right next to Mauerpark on Oderberger Straße, I’m so lucky to call Bonanza Coffee Heroes my local. The fact that it is only a five minute walk from my flat means that it is all too easy to easily indulge in my little obsession with this place.

    In summer, the seating outside is the most popular place to enjoy a brew and, on Sundays, when Mauerpark is teeming with people, seats outside are prime real estate. More wintery days call for a cosier option and, whilst the tiny cafe only seats about 10, I’ve always been able to score a table without too much hassle.

    Bonanza Coffee Heroes, Berlin

    Bonanza Coffee Heroes, Berlin

    Flat White, Bonanza Coffee Heroes, Berlin

    Iced Flat Whites. Bonanza Coffee Heroes, Berlin

    A small selection of cookies (the chewy vegan chocolate is my favourite) and croissants are available to enjoy with your coffee. Coffee beans are also available for purchase, having been freshly roasted in Wedding where their roastery is located.

    Coffee Beans, Bonanza Coffee Heroes

    Browse through the selection of beautiful independent magazines that hang on the wall while you’re sipping away.

    Magazines at Bonanza Coffee Heroes, Berlin

    Bonanza Coffee Heroes, Berlin

    All this coffee chat has awakened my caffeine cravings! Maybe I should pop down now for a little espresso? Very tempting!

    Address: Oderberger Straße 35, 10435 Berlin

    Opening Hours: Monday -Friday 8:30am - 7pm, Saturday - Sunday 10:00am - 7pm

    Which café is your ultimate favourite?

  • Biergarten Bliss at Café am Neun See

    Could there be a more perfect way to while away a summer afternoon than by relaxing in one of Berlin’s lovely Biergartens? Combine this gorgeous view with an ice cold Löwenbrau (can you believe this beer has been brewed in Munich since 1383?!) a pretzel, and a comfy spot under the old chestut trees and you’re guaranteed to think that life couldn’t get any better.

    If you’re looking for a tranquil setting to enjoy a brew in Berlin, Cafe am Neuen See, located in the middle of Tiergarten, is the place to be.

    Berlin Biergarten

    After your thirst has been sufficiently quenched, a slow meander around the lush, serene gardens is a delight.

    Berlin Biergarten

    Berlin Biergarten

    Or perhaps hiring a little rowboat to paddle down the lake could also be fun? Slowly drifting down the stream past gliding ducks — how dreamy.

    Berlin, Tiergarten

    In any case, frequenting one of Berlin’s Biergartens in the summertime is a must and memories of the brutal winter will have been well and truly erased after an afternoon full of sun and beer. Long live summer!

    Address: Lichtensteinallee 2, 10787, Berlin, +49 (0) 30 2544930

    Opening Hours: Mon- Fri from 11am, Sat-Sun from 10am

    What do you love to do during the summertime in your city?

  • Great Coffee in Berlin Part 2: Silo Coffee

    Still looking for that perfect drop to start your morning right in Berlin? Last week, I suggested Café 9 in Kreuzberg next door to Markthalle Neun for a quality cup. If you’re situated more east than south, however, Silo Coffee is your place to be.

    I love everything about this café. From the friendly Australian baristas to the spacious, minimalistic wooden and brick interior, from the perfect flat whites to the most divine cheesecake — what’s not to love?

    Silo Coffee, Berlin

    Silo Coffee, Berlin

    To further add to my Silo obsession, just this week they launched their breakfast menu. Finally, Melbourne-style breakfasts have made their way to Berlin thanks to these guys! This city was in desperate need of this. You see, cold breakfasts of hard boiled eggs, cheeses, bread and cold meats don’t really cut it for me. I’m used to breakfasts made from top quality, organic ingredients; breakfasts that are packed full of nutrients and deliciousness. Living in Melbourne for my first 27 years set the bar pretty darn high for my breakfast expectations.

    So you can imagine that I became more than a little excited when I saw these beautiful sights yesterday morning.

    Breakfast, Silo Coffee, Berlin

    Breakfast, Silo Coffee, Berlin

    Silo Coffee, Berlin

    I have a feeling that weekend mornings at Silo are going to become a pretty regular thing.

    Open: 8:30 am to 7:00pm every day. Breakfast is served until 3pm.

    Where is your favourite weekend breakfast spot?

  • Markthalle Neun, Berlin

    I’m a sucker for markets, I have to say. Sundays in Berlin is Flea Market day. On Tuesdays and Fridays one can stock up at the cheap Turkish Market along the canal in Kreuzberg. But I do have a favourite. After a morning coffee next door at Café 9, I really do love a slow wander around Markthalle Neun on my Saturday.

    Unfortunately in Berlin, many of the old market halls no longer exist, having either been sold to private investors who have since transformed them into supermarkets or discount halls, or been destroyed in WWII. Markthalle Neun is an exception, however, and is counted among only three of the original fourteen market halls remaining across the city (hence the original name, ‘Market Hall Nine’). An initiative dedicated to restoring and maintaining these historical buildings for their original purpose helped save Markthalle Neun from following the fate of the other eleven halls.

    Markthalle Neun, Kreuzberg, Berlin

    Markthalle Neun, Berlin

    There are a few reasons why this market place holds the title as my favourite Saturday market in Berlin. First and foremost, the quality of the produce available here is unparalleled. It is here that you can find organic, free-range meat and locally grown produce from the immediate region. Many of the vendors here are family businesses and they are truly passionate about the quality of their goods.

    It is here that you will find one of Berlin’s best bakeries, Sironi, run by Italian Alfredo Sironi. The entire baking process is on display to passersby who can watch through the large windows to the side of the shopfront.

    Sironi Bakery, Markthalle Neun, Berlin

    I cannot visit Markthalle Neun without stopping by Big Stuff Smoked BBQ for lunch. American-style smoked meat is not hugely popular across Berlin just yet, but this place is changing that, fast. This truly is THE place to get your meat on. Using an oven especially imported from Tennessee, the resulting slow-cooked, smoky meat really is something else. Three cuts are generally available: pork belly, beef brisket and pulled pork and you can choose to have this juicy melt-in-your-mouth goodness served in either a sandwich or on a meat plate. Drool.

    Big Stuff Smoked BBQ, Markthalle Neun, Berlin

    Markthalle Neun, Berlin

    Meat Platter, Markthalle Neun, Berlin

    Of course, there are plenty of other options to keep your belly full, such as the famous Glut und Späne (traditional smoked fish from the Baltic sea or the local lakes) or the hearty German fare from Kantine Neun. Drink options are also aplenty.

    Homemade Lemonade, Markthalle Neun, Berlin

    And why not pick up some fresh flowers while you’re there? Pink peonies are my favourite at this time of year.

    Markthalle Flower Stall, Berlin

    The farmer’s market on Fridays and Saturdays isn’t the only time to head to Markthalle Neun, however. Every Thursday evening, the hall hosts ‘Street Food Thursdays‘ from 5pm- 10pm — an event attracting a wide range of vendors without on-site kitchens who showcase their speciality bites from around the world. More on this great little weeknight street food party coming soon.

    Wochenmarkt (weekly farmer’s market) is open every Friday and Saturday from 10am to 6pm.

    Street Food Thursday happens every Thursday from 5pm to 10pm.

    The brand new Breakfast Market will launch on the 15th June and will occur every third Sunday of the month.


    Where do you head for great regional, organic produce in your city?

  • Great Coffee in Berlin Part 1: Café 9

    Cafe Neun, Berlin

    Okay, I admit it. I’m a coffee snob. In my defence I’m from from Melbourne. I guess that explains it. It’s all too easy to get used to the good stuff in the coffee capital of the nation. This can make things a little tricky when abroad. A quality cup is non-negotiable if I’m going to start my day right. My unfortunate realisation after moving to Berlin was that great coffee is not always right at your fingertips like it is back home.

    While third-wave coffee culture is slowly gaining in popularity, there are still only a handful of spots across Berlin where you can grab a top-notch brew. Nevertheless, these cafés do exist and, if you know where to go, you can find them across neighbourhoods ranging from Mitte to Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain to Prenzlauerberg. I’ll be bringing you some suggestions over the coming weeks so you can easily combat that dull, foggy headache resulting from an unfortunate caffeine-deprived morning.

    Café 9 in Kreuzberg is one option for a ‘real’ coffee. This tiny place, situated next door to Markethalle Neun, really is the location you want to begin your Saturday with. Order a flat white, an aeropress, or a cold-brew — my choice for today — before heading next door to select your market goodies. You can also enjoy a good selection of savoury or sweet bites to accompany your choice of brew. Sit at one of the green stools at the bench and gaze out onto the street which will be full of people enjoying lunch from Markthalle at the tables on the street in the sun.

    Cold Brew, Cafe Neun

    Where do you love to grab your coffee from in your city?

  • Arkonaplatz Flea Market

    Sunday in Berlin is flea market day. Every neighbourhood across the city has its own local flea market, if not several. There isn’t a whole lot happening on Sundays (Berliners take their day of rest quite seriously) and so my Sunday will, more often than not, involve a slow meander through one of these darling markets.

    In Prenzlauer Berg, one of my favourites is the Arkonaplatz flea market. Sheltered by beautiful, tall chestnut trees in an old square, Arkonaplatz truly is a lovely place to stroll around, especially when it’s flea market day. All kinds of retro knick-knacks are to be found here, many from the ’50s and ’60s. The delightful mix of vintage furniture, signage, kitchen utensils and old wares for the home makes for a fun Sunday searching for treasures.

    Arkonaplatz Flea Market, Berlin

    Arkonaplatz Flea Market, Berlin

    Arkonaplatz Flea Market, Berlin

    Arkonaplatz Flea Market, Berlin

    Arkonaplatz Flea Market, Berlin

    Arkonaplatz Flea Market, Berlin

    Arkonaplatz Flea Market, Berlin

    I truly love Sundays in Berlin. There is no pressure to ‘get things done’ and no one here rushes around. Taking pleasure in the simple things, like flea market shopping, is what Sundays in Berlin are about. What’s not to like about that?

    Address: Arkonaplatz, 10435, Berlin

    Opening Hours: Sunday 10:00 to 16:00